On our way to Kraków, inside Damian's car
the other 2 weeks i spent there were a little more calm, but this party we had at the end of the 2nd week... but it was very nice staying in Adrianna's house and dancing with her when we were not watching the Champions League games, not that she likes them... but she joined me to watched them with good resoults for my Manchester United :D (i will say nothing else about this cup version). hanging out with some students was nice as well, and because the city tour was kind of complete i could just take it calm and talk more with people instead of going from one place to another. by the way, i like the variety of beer there... i won't forget how shameful for me was to arrive the 1st day to the I LO with sandals and pretty much "just waken up"... we shouldn't had had this small party and drinking games in Damian house the previous night, hehe. took me a while to find the right door when i arrived (with all my bags!) but Maja and Asia were very gentle when i arrived and took me to the classroom :) i started taking pictures of the group this week and i'm very sad i didn't do it before (Bialystok's one was taken by my friend Qing), here you can see the groups i had in I LO and II LO (by the way, "LO" means "High School" and they have romanic numering by city)

Last week in Częstochowa... totally out of my expectations of going back (certanly, not because i don't like the city but i thought i'd be somewhere else) i talked to Damian while being in Slovakia and asked him if he needed help for the last week of his schedule... and he did, so i took my train from Banska Bistrica straight to Czestochowa, but without this lady's help i would had made it sooner than i expected :P that was one of the ocassions where i felt there is not need to learn polish hehe (go check the video!). i stayed mostly in Francois's house, where i felt great. it was nice to keep learning some french and share the spanish. we also made it to play some basketball (after so many years that i played last time!) a couple of times and we ate the biggest pizz i ever saw! the workshops this time were very good and after Kash's words, i had "good timing" to arrive there, because she was leaving before friday. as u can see on the "official picture", i improved taking this pic... sad i didn't get any sign of "Enter your future" for this time, but was a good week again (student were great in every corner of Poland!). this week was the last one i spent in Poland, after the weekend i returned to Wroclaw to take my flight to Belgique and go back to Lima through the USA... the workshop in Opole was before this week

i think it was the best time spent in POLAND...